Category Archives: contributors

Teaching Gospel Texts and Mimesis with Superhero Stories

John W. Fadden, Ph.D.[The following entry is written by John Fadden, PhD., an adjunct lecturer across Western New York and frequent contributor to the Society of Biblical Literature. It is presented here with his permission.]

I teach an undergraduate introduction to the New Testament course that is mostly filled with students taking the course to fulfill requirements of the college’s core curriculum. I assume most students do not have a background in the cultural contexts of the writers of the New Testament, nor that most students have any connection to, or have read the New Testament. Yet, I also expect that because the New Testament is the “Bible,” students, including non-Christians, have certain expectations about the Gospels as historical documents that provide accurate portrayals of Jesus’s life. Most of the students have never thought about the literary practices in the cultural context that would have influenced the gospel writers.

In the spring semester, I added a new activity to the course in hopes of pushing students to think about the Gospels as imitating the classical epics by introducing them to Dennis MacDonald’s mimetic theory. While a lot of MacDonald’s scholarship is beyond the undergraduate non-major reading level, his Mythologizing Jesus: From Jewish Teacher to Epic Hero (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005) provides a popular audience access to his scholarship. Since I assumed that my students have a limited background in the classics (and no knowledge of Greek), I wanted to come up with a way to have them engage with MacDonald’s ideas, but using stories familiar to their own cultural settings from the superhero genre. The initial goal was for students to imitate a superhero scene to create a pericope about Jesus. To add a degree of difficulty (and to fit within the course’s core curriculum requirements) students also had to make it fit into the first century context (so no saving an airplane from crashing). The course also has a public speaking / presentation requirement, so the student’s final creation was delivered in front of their classmates.

JESSICA JONES: "AKA Smile"The activity required multiple engagements with the topic. First, I assigned the students read parts of MacDonald’s book to introduce them to his theory. I also asked students to pick a superhero story from a movie, TV show, or comic book that they could write in a 10-15 verse story (suggesting students think about MacDonald’s work as they chose it). In the next class session, we discussed the reading from MacDonald. I demonstrated how they might imitate their contemporary superhero story when writing a story about Jesus using the concluding scene from Jessica Jones season 1, episode 12 as an example. (I figured it was old enough I wouldn’t be guilty of spoilers, but I discovered few students had watched it; so I might recommend adding a few minutes into the class to show a clip of whatever story you are imitating in your demonstration.) I also showed them how the imitator might leave clues for her audience to be able to recognize the source story (for example, playing with a notable name like Kilgrave could signal to those familiar with Jessica Jones that there was a connection). I gave the students a week to write their imitation of a superhero story as a pericope about Jesus.

Continue reading Teaching Gospel Texts and Mimesis with Superhero Stories

Elizabeth Coody and Biblical Shock through Comics – 003 Sacred & Sequential Audio

Those not fortunate enough to attend the 2017 American Academy of Religion annual conference, particularly its final morning of presentations, are in luck: We’re joined by a frequent Sacred & Sequential contributor, Iliff School of Theology’s Elizabeth Coody, for a redux of her paper, “The More Savage Sword: A Theory of Biblical Text Used for Shock.” For the podcast, visual input is offered by host A. David Lewis, but online audiences can follow her accompanying Prezi here.

UPDATES: Baron Leaves Alt-Right “Based Stick Man” Comic, Alt★Hero Looms

VOX DAYIn a recent e-mail to Sacred and Sequential founder A. David Lewis, Eisner Award-winning comics creator Mike Baron wrote the following:

I am no longer involved with this project.

Baron was writing in reference to the Based Stick Man Graphic Novel, whose Facebook site, at the time of this writing, still features his name prominently as its writer and has made no further announcement. Sacred and Sequential spoke with Baron in August for his views on the project at that time.

Offering no additional explanation, Baron steps away from this alt-right project both as its Indiegogo fundraising page has disappeared and as provocateur Vox Day’s Alt★Hero series (discussed previously by guest columnist Sean Kleefeld) has apparently raised over ten times its campaign goal on the new “free speech” crowdfunding platform FreeStartr. Whether the BSM project could resurface on FreeStartr is unknown at this time.

As of last month, comics writer Chuck Dixon remains attached to the Alt★Hero volumes. Vox Day (aka Theodore Robert Beale) continues to tweet publicly about the project:


The Tangled Relationship Between Religion and Comics

[The following piece was originally published at Women Write About Comics in two parts; and it is reposted here with the author’s permission, for the first time in its entirety.]

My cocktail party introduction of myself is basically, “I’m a religion scholar working on a dissertation that uses a comics to interpret religious text.” Maybe it’s not the smoothest handshake, but it’s a place to start. When I tell people this, I occasionally get quizzical looks from strangers who wonder how comics relate to religion at all. Either that or they are wondering if they are going to need another cocktail before we get into a conversation. The comics/religion relationship is a fantastic tangle that needs to be sorted out when we get into deep discussions. If we talk about religion and comics without sorting this out, we risk all kinds of misunderstandings and hurt feelings, not to mention frustrating cocktail parties.

Religion and comics have been in some sort of relationship for millennia. Stained glass church windows are a familiar Christian example; they tell the stories that are important to the builders of particular churches in different styles. Ancient peoples used comics-type language in cave paintings and Egyptian tombs to express their relationship to the supernatural. Although my own work centers mostly on Christian relationships to comics, I want to stress that there is much more out there to be discovered in comics from all the world’s religions. Comics are a medium that can deliver a particular message where text and images interact to create narrative and emotional results—something that religions of all stripes often strive to do and that comics can do with religious effect.

I conceive of the relationship between comics and religion in four categories: comics as religioncomics in religionreligion in comics, and religion and comics in dialogue. In this month’s installation, I’ll give you the first two categories (comics AS religion and comics IN religion), but be sure to follow along for the exciting conclusion soon. These categories are modeled on the four relationships between religion and popular culture more broadly as outlined in by Bruce David Forbes in his introduction to this great popular culture book with Jeffrey Mahan. They are solid tools for tackling a very messy relationship.

Continue reading The Tangled Relationship Between Religion and Comics

Martin Lund on the Possibilities of “Pantheonic Bricolage”

[The following piece was originally published at and it is reposted here with the author’s permission.]

The Marvel Universe pantheons

Is It a Thing? “Pantheonic Bricolage.”

If you are at all familiar with my work, you know that I have a particular interest in the intersections between comics and religion. I have spent countless hours studying comics in relation to Judaism and Jewishness, on editing a book about Muslim superheroes (the release of which is so close now I can almost taste it!), and I’m currently drafting a book about the recently deceased evangelical comics propagandist Jack T. Chick (about whom I have written here and here).

In addition to this, I’m also working on a guide to comics and world religions with a couple of fellow scholars of the topic. We have hashed out a rough structure and are working separately on our chapters. In addition to writing about the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), I will also be tackling what we have chosen, for now, to call “Archaic Traditions.” (I just might make another “Is it a thing?” post about that label somewhere down the line.)

This means that I am writing about Greco-Roman, Egyptian, and Old Norse religions. And I am loving it to no end. There is so much interesting material to work with here, and I will be sharing thoughts and reviews as things progress.

But for now, I want to bounce a thing off the internet and see what happens.

I want to talk about what I have been calling, for lack of a better term: “pantheonic bricolage.” It sounds complicated, but it really isn’t.

Continue reading Martin Lund on the Possibilities of “Pantheonic Bricolage”