Tag Archives: god

Sequart on “The God of Preacher”

Australian writer and podcaster Daniel N. Gullotta recently provided Sequart.org with an excellent article on the logical issues with both deism & theism and how they are nicely problematized by Garth Ennis’s Preacher series.

[I]n Preacher, God invades the lives of many, affecting the way people make their decisions, and not allowing much or any free will at times. The theology is confusing and contradictory, but in Preacher, that’s the point. God in Preacher is a violent, tyrannical, hypocritical, and irresponsible super-being. He is the representation of theism gone horribly wrong.

Read more from Gullotta at www.catholica.com.au and at www.ticket2ridecomic.com.