Tag Archives: apostasy

Superpowered, Mormon, and Gay: Brian Anderson’s STRIPLING WARRIOR

Cover to STRIPLING WARRIOR #1Last week, The Advocate provided coverage on the third in the Stripling Warrior comic book series, a superhero title featuring gay Mormon protagonists. As Advocate writers Neil Broverman and Jase Peeples note, Elders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints generally do not recognize the existence of homosexuals in their membership; while the attraction may be acknowledged, a committed relationship based on such impulses constitutes apostasy. QED: no homosexuals. As the lyrics to the Broadway stage show Book of Mormon quip, “It’s a cool little Mormon trick.”

Stripling Warrior creator Brian Anderson, on the other hand, feels that being gay and being Mormon (as well as being partnered, as he , “are not mutually exclusive.” And, his Kickstarter-supported series, with art by Jame Neish, “steeped within the mythology of the Mormon Church, depicted with healthy, queer sex lives” is intended to “be provocative and impactful.”

More information on the reception and future of the series can be found at Anderson’s So SuperDuper site.