Tag Archives: infowars

UPDATE: Islamophobic Cartoon Contest Canceled

Caricature of Geert Wilders from http://www.karikaturen-online.nl/en/homepage-en/In June, Sacred and Sequential shared reporting from Reuters that the Freedom Party of the Dutch government had announced a new “free-speech event” centered around creating illustrations of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed. Led by politician Geert Wilders, the contest was to be judged by the 2015 Garland, Texas “Draw Mohammed” contest winner, Bosch Fawstin.

Following a peaceful protest march in Islamabad in late August, reports the Associated Press,  the planned contest has been canceled. Wilders is quoted by The Telegraph as saying, “To avoid the risk of victims of Islamic violence, I have decided to not let the cartoon contest go ahead.” InfoWars deemphasizes the impact of the 10,000-strong peaceful march, focusing instead on a video death threat Wilders received.

Fawstin’s Twitter account remains suspended.