Tag Archives: Mark Russell

No to Jesus with superheroes; Yes to Jesus with kung-fu beheadings

Cover to CRUCIFIED from Scout ComicsIn case you missed it, Second Coming, the series from Mark Russell and Richard Pace, was canceled by DC Comics for its Vertigo line after an outcry (like this one) amassed online for its “blasphemous content.” DC reverted the rights back to Russell and Pace to have it published elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Scout Comics has plans to release Crucified this year, and, late this month, Image Comics will release Jesusfreak featuring the Christian Messiah as “a kung fu demon slayer.” Fox & Friends does not like that he beheads his enemies in his mission, reports Newsweek.

This is to say nothing, of course, of Zombie JesusJesus Hates ZombiesJesus as an alien in Martian Comics, Jesus Christ: In the Name of the Gun, or fan-favorite Battle Pope (with sidekick Jesus).

Of course, every so often, we are treated to a Punk Rock Jesus, so one cannot be too quick to judge the latest wave of irreligious Jesus comics…