All posts by Asher J. Klassen

Canadian comics scholar and cartoonist. Currently taking a year away from my home at University of British Columbia Okanagan to study English literature and theology abroad at Durham University.

Jewish Women’s Confessional Comics Wins Eisner Award

Last Friday at the San Diego Comic Con International, the winners of the 2015 Eisner Awards were announced. We at Sacred & Sequential would like to offer our congratulations to editor Sarah Lightman who took home the Eisner Award for “Best Scholarly/Academic Work” with her book Graphic Details: Jewish Women’s Confessional Comics in Essays and Interviews, published by McFarland. It’s a treat to see academics at the intersection of comics and religion take home such a prestigious industry award for their scholarship. We look forward to following such achievements as scholars delve ever further into the worlds of Jewish culture, of autobiographical comics, and of the women who make them.

On behalf of Sacred & Sequential, we wish the contributors to Graphic Details all the best and, again: Congratulations!

Jeet Heer on the Inherent Gnosticism of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”

Jeet Heer by Joe Ollman
Jeet Heer by Joe Ollman

This week Canadian literary critic, historian, and comics scholar Jeet Heer weighed in on Twitter with his thoughts on the latest Captain America blockbuster. Of particular concern to Jeet was the Gnostic manner in which the shifting status quo of knowledge as a sacred (or at the very least, exceedingly important) value is treated, thus altering the entire narrative function of the ever-nefarious Hydra. You can read the full Twitter essay and my thoughts in response collected here on Storify.