Tag Archives: blogs

Welcome Faith in Four Colors

By Rao! wants to welcome the Religion and Comics blog out of Lund University to the blogosphere at FaithInFourColors.blogspot.com. The English-language Swedish blog has much the same mission as this site, though taken from the perspective of a Ph.D. student in Theology and Religious Studies. Its statement of purpose details:

The purpose of this project is to observe comic book culture in interaction with the world to see how comics as texts and mythologies are used and looked upon through the lens of theories on the role of religion in contemporary society. This is to be done by looking at comics in four ways:
1.      The representation of religions and religious ideas in the service of religions;
2.      The representation of religions and religious ideas in the service of the comics;
3.      Contestation and critique of religions and religious ideas in comics;
4.      Comic book fandom as a type of ersatz religion in postmodern society.
One of the main perspectives applied to that the material surveyed here is that it is placed and produced within a context of theological and philosophical thoughts on the role of religion, to wit the still burning debate on the role of religion in society and the relationship between theology and atheism. This is done to try to further an understanding of how popular culture fits into debates in the public sphere and how such debates affect our entertainment.
Rao urges readers of this blog to also follow this companion site. Select posts from it may also be noted here (and properly credited) but only in synopsis form.
If you have additional sites that should be in the Blogroll or monitored for stories, please comment below or send an e-mail to religionandlit (at) gmail (dot) com.